Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Sunday 19 August 2012

Our Music Night

Our music nights were so magically with great team spirit and co-operation showed by all our students.  Here we are sharing the fun with all the Year Two students.


Georgia- I felt nervous and excited at the same time while standing next to the curtains waiting to go on stage.  It was so cool I was a butterfly and when my song Party Rock came on everyone started cheering and whistling.

Nicole-: I was a steward and the highlight of the music night for me was overcoming my stage fright when I saw all the people in the audience.  I had an amazing time.
Matthew.L.- The highlight of the music night for me was the song TNT the audience had such an amazing reaction to the song and everyone was singing at the top of their lungs.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Potato Olympics.

We all started by naming our Potato and putting a face on it.  We then made a flag to represent of potato here are some of our potatoes with their flags.

Please meet Aimee's contestant Aussie Aimee Potato.  She is hoping to win the Long Jump but is just excited about competing in the games.

There is also Debroah's potato Maria Sherapotato who just loves the rolling events and is a shoe in to win the diving!

Connor's Potato Minecraftato is excited about long jump and is keen to take back to back gold medals in this event.  Look out for his special jumping style.  He really is one hot potato. 

Harrison's Batato is an all around athlete who will be keen to get gold at his first ever Olympic games.

Our Potato Olympics officially begin with all the countries entring the venue.  Our opening ceremony was just fantastic!  Tomorrow we begin our events, good luck to all our potathletes ( trying saying that 5 times fast)

Monday 30 July 2012

Monster Exchange

For writing this term we are working towards writing a description to match a monster that we have made!  These will be sent to another country for other children to draw, we will receive their descriptions to draw their monster.  At the end of the term we will compare our original monsters with the ones that our friends have made.

Have a go at home drawing Mrs. Smith's monster
Hi! My name is creen.  I am a happy monster who is always ready to laugh.  I love to dance and have a good time.

My red body is like an upside down egg which is big and round.  It has really skinny green arms coming out of each side I have three fingers on each hand.  I have human like feet which sit directly under my body, they are blue.  My very large tounge is the same colour blue and sits outside my extra large smile.  My blue nose is an oval on the side and my extremely large yellow eyes which sit on top of my nose with a black circle inside each eye.  I have a purple ear on each side of my head that are level with my eyes.  At the very top of my head I have two purple horns which are little. I am still growing you know.  I have really dirty yellow teeth, I wish I had listened when my parents told me to brush my teeth!

Have fun drawing my monster can not wait to see what you come up with

Reconciliation Family Night

Our Reconciliation family night was fantastic.  All the children enjoyed the evening and talked about their learning the next day. Thanks for all the parents who attended.  It was a great night.

Our Reconciliation celebrations will be spread over 4 Masses
Wednesday 12th September 2.45pm
Saturday 15th September 10am
Wednesday 19th September 6.30pm or 7.30pm

Saturday 12 May 2012

Happy Mother's Day

Let us know how you spoiled your mum, this Mother's Day

Try adding your comment below.

Our Student of the Week.

In 2WS we have some amazing students who are really trying their best at all times.  Well done to William, Hayley, Harrison, Indiana, Julian and Zoe.

We are so proud of all the students, everyone is working so well.  We will be keeping our eyes out for students who display a positive attitude for our next community award.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Meal Worms Life Stages

Meal Worms Life Cycle
Visit our classroom this week to check out our growing meal worms.

This week in 2WS we got mealworms. We are going to observe and record their life stages. These photos show our mealworms on day 4 and 5 of their growth. They are alreading shedding their skin.

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Hayley and Grace Talk Reading Strategies

This term in reading 2WS is learning about non-fiction books.What non-fiction means is that it is an information book.  Today we did an activity and we learned the PEEK strategy and the THIEVES strategy.  2WS has been reading about Red Kangaroos and using these strategies to help with our reading.

Grace's group completed a DESCRIBING WHEEL.We read Caterpillars and we had to find 8 key words. We used the PEEK strategy to help because it was a non-fiction book.

By Grace Papagianis and Hayley Dafilis

I wrote "Some caterpillers eat gum leaves" and "All caterpillars eat lots of food"also Butterflies can turn into moths" "They can grow out of their skin"

Hayley's group completed the THIEVES strategy. With the THIEVES strategy we have to write down the facts that are most important. Like thieves we only take the good stuff!  We read about the Red Kangaroo and we wrote all the facts we could. 

We enjoy learning

Monday 30 April 2012


We have been learning about the ANZAC spirit and why ANZAC DAY is such an important day for every Australian.  Lest we forget.

Some of our classmates have been very busy today writing some amazing poems about their learning.

March, march, march,
As they walk.
Fight, fight, fight
As they save of lives.
Shoot, shoot, shoot,
As they save our lives.
Cry, cry, cry
As they die.


March, march,
As the soldiers march along
Shoot, shoot
As the bullets fly by
Cry, cry
As all the soldiers die.
Listen, listen,
As we all stop.
Lest we forget.


March, march,
As the soldiers march to war
Fight, fight,
As they fight along bravely.
Shoot, shoot,
the bullets fly by
Cry, cry
As the soldiers die.

Our Excursion.

Today we visited hands-on habitats at LaTrobe University.  We learnt so many new things from our tour guide, Shannon.

He explained the three habitats that they were trying to establish at the LaTrobe Wildlife Sanctuary being Aerial, Aquatic and Grasslands.

 We walked through the beautiful sanctuary being careful to remain on the foot paths and be still and quiet   to listen for animals.  We did not have any success during our first hour tour............but it was early days.

We all gathered around and listened as Shannon told us all about sugar gliders, we then had to become sugar gliders, building and protecting out nests.

After this we went to learn about the habitats we had been exploring and played a fun game that highlighted the importance of protecting our habitats from introduced species- especially humans!

But the highlight of the day was after lunch when we explored the sanctuary and found kangaroos resting, feeding and stretching not too far away from our lunch time stop.  We were all amazed watching the kangaroo eating very politely with his paws, picking and lifting leaves to their mouths.

We also had the great opportunity to follow an emu along the path.  He was quiet a distance away nibbling on some grub.  Next thing we knew he was heading right towards us for a photo opportunity.  lol.  Check out the photos tomorrow.

Please stay tuned as over the next few days I will asked all the children to type in their ideas and experiences from the excursion and add lots of photos and videos to go with them!