Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Monday 30 April 2012

Our Excursion.

Today we visited hands-on habitats at LaTrobe University.  We learnt so many new things from our tour guide, Shannon.

He explained the three habitats that they were trying to establish at the LaTrobe Wildlife Sanctuary being Aerial, Aquatic and Grasslands.

 We walked through the beautiful sanctuary being careful to remain on the foot paths and be still and quiet   to listen for animals.  We did not have any success during our first hour tour............but it was early days.

We all gathered around and listened as Shannon told us all about sugar gliders, we then had to become sugar gliders, building and protecting out nests.

After this we went to learn about the habitats we had been exploring and played a fun game that highlighted the importance of protecting our habitats from introduced species- especially humans!

But the highlight of the day was after lunch when we explored the sanctuary and found kangaroos resting, feeding and stretching not too far away from our lunch time stop.  We were all amazed watching the kangaroo eating very politely with his paws, picking and lifting leaves to their mouths.

We also had the great opportunity to follow an emu along the path.  He was quiet a distance away nibbling on some grub.  Next thing we knew he was heading right towards us for a photo opportunity.  lol.  Check out the photos tomorrow.

Please stay tuned as over the next few days I will asked all the children to type in their ideas and experiences from the excursion and add lots of photos and videos to go with them!