Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Monday 30 April 2012


We have been learning about the ANZAC spirit and why ANZAC DAY is such an important day for every Australian.  Lest we forget.

Some of our classmates have been very busy today writing some amazing poems about their learning.

March, march, march,
As they walk.
Fight, fight, fight
As they save of lives.
Shoot, shoot, shoot,
As they save our lives.
Cry, cry, cry
As they die.


March, march,
As the soldiers march along
Shoot, shoot
As the bullets fly by
Cry, cry
As all the soldiers die.
Listen, listen,
As we all stop.
Lest we forget.


March, march,
As the soldiers march to war
Fight, fight,
As they fight along bravely.
Shoot, shoot,
the bullets fly by
Cry, cry
As the soldiers die.