Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Hayley and Grace Talk Reading Strategies

This term in reading 2WS is learning about non-fiction books.What non-fiction means is that it is an information book.  Today we did an activity and we learned the PEEK strategy and the THIEVES strategy.  2WS has been reading about Red Kangaroos and using these strategies to help with our reading.

Grace's group completed a DESCRIBING WHEEL.We read Caterpillars and we had to find 8 key words. We used the PEEK strategy to help because it was a non-fiction book.

By Grace Papagianis and Hayley Dafilis

I wrote "Some caterpillers eat gum leaves" and "All caterpillars eat lots of food"also Butterflies can turn into moths" "They can grow out of their skin"

Hayley's group completed the THIEVES strategy. With the THIEVES strategy we have to write down the facts that are most important. Like thieves we only take the good stuff!  We read about the Red Kangaroo and we wrote all the facts we could. 

We enjoy learning