Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Potato Olympics.

We all started by naming our Potato and putting a face on it.  We then made a flag to represent of potato here are some of our potatoes with their flags.

Please meet Aimee's contestant Aussie Aimee Potato.  She is hoping to win the Long Jump but is just excited about competing in the games.

There is also Debroah's potato Maria Sherapotato who just loves the rolling events and is a shoe in to win the diving!

Connor's Potato Minecraftato is excited about long jump and is keen to take back to back gold medals in this event.  Look out for his special jumping style.  He really is one hot potato. 

Harrison's Batato is an all around athlete who will be keen to get gold at his first ever Olympic games.

Our Potato Olympics officially begin with all the countries entring the venue.  Our opening ceremony was just fantastic!  Tomorrow we begin our events, good luck to all our potathletes ( trying saying that 5 times fast)