Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Monday 30 July 2012

Monster Exchange

For writing this term we are working towards writing a description to match a monster that we have made!  These will be sent to another country for other children to draw, we will receive their descriptions to draw their monster.  At the end of the term we will compare our original monsters with the ones that our friends have made.

Have a go at home drawing Mrs. Smith's monster
Hi! My name is creen.  I am a happy monster who is always ready to laugh.  I love to dance and have a good time.

My red body is like an upside down egg which is big and round.  It has really skinny green arms coming out of each side I have three fingers on each hand.  I have human like feet which sit directly under my body, they are blue.  My very large tounge is the same colour blue and sits outside my extra large smile.  My blue nose is an oval on the side and my extremely large yellow eyes which sit on top of my nose with a black circle inside each eye.  I have a purple ear on each side of my head that are level with my eyes.  At the very top of my head I have two purple horns which are little. I am still growing you know.  I have really dirty yellow teeth, I wish I had listened when my parents told me to brush my teeth!

Have fun drawing my monster can not wait to see what you come up with