Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Monday 14 November 2011

Lantern Festival

Today we looked at the chinese festival of the lights.  We watched 100,000 lights being sent out for family, good fortune and good luck.  We had a chance to write the chinese character for good luck.  We decorated our lanterns with all the people wish good luck and good fourtune to.

Here are some of our class memebrs trying to write chinese characters.

We wish you all good luck. Here are our finished lanterns.


Sunday 13 November 2011

Water Safety is fun!

Today we went swimming and had a great time learning about water safety.  Here are some of the top tips we learnt
  • if you have a life jacket on and have to jump into water make sure you hold it on tightly. (George)
  • if you are in deep water waiting to be rescued you need to tread water (Ciara)
  • lift your legs to your chest to keep warm in cold water.
  • if you see someone drowning DO NOT JUMP IN, find something that floats and throw it to them. e.g. a bucket, a ball, a life jacket.  (Karina)
  • lay on your tummy to pull someone to the edge then you will not be pulled into the water.
Some members of our grade really had an amazing time.  Just look at how much fun we all had.

"Help!Help!" Calls lifesaver Amelie

The boys are really enjoying saving each other.  Isn't it great when we learn through fun and excitement.
What do you think about swimming?  What are the highlights for you?

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Travelling Arts Session.

On Wednesday 2nd November and Thursday 3rd November our class participated in a travelling arts experience.  We visited all the Year One and Two classrooms to participate in and create new art works.

We started with Shadow puppets.  I made the shadow
puppets they are puppets but not like normal puppets they have shadows.they are made in Indonenesia.  They are very famous.  The shadow puppets we made were out of paper.   Josh

Our second activity was making the chinese dragons for New Year celebration in China.  We made them with Miss Costa on Wednesday. We cut out four coloured hands and a head and tail then put it together.  This was my favourite activity.  Ella.

At our third activity we watched some videos about how to play castanets,the presenter on the show said don't show the audience the castanents. Then Mrs.Whiting helped us to make our own castanents.  We started by cutting a paper plate in half and then bending it. It is very hard to do!  Then you put a string thorugh it and tie a knot thorugh it. Then you have two castanets. Then you can play with your very own castanets. It was my favrourite activity that I did over the two days. George.

On the November 3rd we started our second day of roatations and we went to Miss Cardilo.  She taught us some dances from other countries like Italian dancing it was so funny and awesome.  Charlie

The next activity we went to 1ML and Mrs.Luff helped us to make Indian Prayer Mats.  They are a part of the Diwali festival.  We had to colour them in and decorate them. Some of our class put them on the drive way to welcome people.  In real life the mats are made with sand, flowers, leaves and have amazing designs.  Our prayer mats are made of paper.  This activity was so much fun!   Anthony.

Our Last activity was a New Zealand Koru spiral plant.  We drew it on a little rectangular piece of paper. I did mine like a smugde image.  These Koru Spiral Plants are an important symbol for people from New Zealand.  Alex


Monday 7 November 2011

Our Story

In our class we have been writing creative stories a few students would like to tell you all about it.

I am just finishing my story that is called,The Fire Unicorn. I love it so much! It is my favorite story I have ever written! Writing is so much better than reading and thanks to Mrs Smith and Mrs Whiting that help me with doing my writing and making my favourite STORY!

I really enjoy seeing my stories published into books.  At the  minute I am publishing my story on the computer.  This will take me a while as my record is 5 pages long!  My story is all about a witch, a young girl and her pet rabbit.

I really enjoy writing stories and publishing them so I can go back and read them.  It is great to read a story you have created yourself.  The story I am publishing at the minute is titled 'Super Gaming Adventure' I really like to write about any story but I like the main characters to be from games that I play.  Xander.

This is Cyrus he is the main character of my story.

Owen-: I am enoying story and writing so much that I am writing a book at  home It is titled "Joey and the monster".

 Nathan-: I am reall enjoyingworking on my writing with sharyn. I liked writing my story about Ants. l also liked putting sentences together and making new sentences.  

I like writing about club penguin and puffles as my main characters. In writing groups I loved making our big books.  My groups book was titled 'The Missing Crystal'.

Cultural Infusion Incursion

Our class participated in the Cultural Infusion Incursion.  Here is a recount of our day!

On Friday the 4th of November we had a Cultural day where we saw some people who taught us about their culture. Helena

First we gathered in the JKC and we watched an Indian lady she taught us how to do the bumble bee dance it was fun she was wearing Indian national dress of India sari.  She told us her tradition.   Marc

Next we went to the hall and saw the chinese acrobats. I like the plate spining and the big plate was so cool I  loved it.   Leon

Then we watched the fan dances.  She showed some people  amazing moves. First she showed us a dance that was lovely and flowing and then a dance that was all about fighting moves and it was really good. She told us about the movie Mulan. The lady was from Japan.  She had on traditional Japanese clothes kimono.

Below are some videos from the day!

We had such an amazing day.

Monday 17 October 2011

Where Are We From?

Where in the world?

A family history questionaire was sent home and from those repsonses and discussions with families we have mapped our family's origins.
Click on the link below to look at the maps that were created.

If you would like us to add to the map please leave any comments of your ancestors and their journey to Australia by clicking on the add comments.

Sunday 16 October 2011


On Saturday the following children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.  Their memories of the day are listed below.
Did you make your first reconciliation?  What are your memories?

Ciara-: Mrs.Smith presented me with a certificate.
Amelie-: Mrs. Anderson presented me with a cross.  It was made of wood and had a flower in the middle.
Jordan-: I had fun at my reconciliation.
Owen-: I had the best time ever.  It was really nice to talk to Father Steven
Xander-: I was a little nervous at the start, but Father Steven helped to take my nerves away.  It ended up being really lovely.
Leon-: I loved singing the song at the end and talking with Father Steven was really nice.  At the end our parents put their fingers in their ears as Father Steven gave us our Penance.  I thought that was pretty funny!LOL!

Well done everyone can not wait to hear the special memories of the children making their reconciliaton on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October.

Monday 19 September 2011

I see.. I think.. I wonder

Look at the images above and respond to the thinking routine.
I see... I think... I wonder...

What do you know about these images?

Sunday 18 September 2011

Potato Olympics.

Potato Olmpics was a highlight of term three.

Our first event was the Potatoe Roll.  Everyone was great at rolling and we had over half our class roll more than 8m.

Our Second event was even more fun.  Watch as we Catapult our potatoes into the sandpit. 
Warning some potatoes were injured in the making of this video.

Our winner in her triumphant glory.  Mr.Potato Head managed to catapult himself 6.5m.

Our Adverts for Cleaning Products

Marc and George try to sell us Super Fizzy to clean our windows.
They had a convincing advertising campaigne.

Charlie and Josh try to sell Window Fizzy.
Great Job Boys!

Karina sells Orange and Lemon Fresh!  Aoife and Karina worked really hard on their presentation.

Wednesday 1 June 2011

Life In Year Two: Welcome!

Life In Year Two: Welcome!: "Hi! And welcome to life in Year Two. So many amazing things happen when you are eight and this is a great place to start. This term our clas..."