Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Travelling Arts Session.

On Wednesday 2nd November and Thursday 3rd November our class participated in a travelling arts experience.  We visited all the Year One and Two classrooms to participate in and create new art works.

We started with Shadow puppets.  I made the shadow
puppets they are puppets but not like normal puppets they have shadows.they are made in Indonenesia.  They are very famous.  The shadow puppets we made were out of paper.   Josh

Our second activity was making the chinese dragons for New Year celebration in China.  We made them with Miss Costa on Wednesday. We cut out four coloured hands and a head and tail then put it together.  This was my favourite activity.  Ella.

At our third activity we watched some videos about how to play castanets,the presenter on the show said don't show the audience the castanents. Then Mrs.Whiting helped us to make our own castanents.  We started by cutting a paper plate in half and then bending it. It is very hard to do!  Then you put a string thorugh it and tie a knot thorugh it. Then you have two castanets. Then you can play with your very own castanets. It was my favrourite activity that I did over the two days. George.

On the November 3rd we started our second day of roatations and we went to Miss Cardilo.  She taught us some dances from other countries like Italian dancing it was so funny and awesome.  Charlie

The next activity we went to 1ML and Mrs.Luff helped us to make Indian Prayer Mats.  They are a part of the Diwali festival.  We had to colour them in and decorate them. Some of our class put them on the drive way to welcome people.  In real life the mats are made with sand, flowers, leaves and have amazing designs.  Our prayer mats are made of paper.  This activity was so much fun!   Anthony.

Our Last activity was a New Zealand Koru spiral plant.  We drew it on a little rectangular piece of paper. I did mine like a smugde image.  These Koru Spiral Plants are an important symbol for people from New Zealand.  Alex