Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Sunday 13 November 2011

Water Safety is fun!

Today we went swimming and had a great time learning about water safety.  Here are some of the top tips we learnt
  • if you have a life jacket on and have to jump into water make sure you hold it on tightly. (George)
  • if you are in deep water waiting to be rescued you need to tread water (Ciara)
  • lift your legs to your chest to keep warm in cold water.
  • if you see someone drowning DO NOT JUMP IN, find something that floats and throw it to them. e.g. a bucket, a ball, a life jacket.  (Karina)
  • lay on your tummy to pull someone to the edge then you will not be pulled into the water.
Some members of our grade really had an amazing time.  Just look at how much fun we all had.

"Help!Help!" Calls lifesaver Amelie

The boys are really enjoying saving each other.  Isn't it great when we learn through fun and excitement.
What do you think about swimming?  What are the highlights for you?