Our Learning Class

Our Learning Class

Sunday 16 October 2011


On Saturday the following children received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.  Their memories of the day are listed below.
Did you make your first reconciliation?  What are your memories?

Ciara-: Mrs.Smith presented me with a certificate.
Amelie-: Mrs. Anderson presented me with a cross.  It was made of wood and had a flower in the middle.
Jordan-: I had fun at my reconciliation.
Owen-: I had the best time ever.  It was really nice to talk to Father Steven
Xander-: I was a little nervous at the start, but Father Steven helped to take my nerves away.  It ended up being really lovely.
Leon-: I loved singing the song at the end and talking with Father Steven was really nice.  At the end our parents put their fingers in their ears as Father Steven gave us our Penance.  I thought that was pretty funny!LOL!

Well done everyone can not wait to hear the special memories of the children making their reconciliaton on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October.